Hello all,
I am writing from my cell, as I finish up the last chapter of my book.
As I look back on this year, I feel very grateful for the time to read and think and develop this manuscript. I also feel the loss of people to think with about some of the questions I spend a lot of my time on. I miss having students, quite acutely.
To that end, I’m opening a small reading group to begin in January. It will be around the topic of theological anthropology. We will start with a chapter or two from David Kelsey’s Eccentric Existence, but will leave the reading list open as people’s questions develop.
We will meet on Zoom every other week. My preference is to meet over the lunch hour for about 90 minutes- so that would be 12-1:30 Est. I know this is difficult with time zones, but this allows me to get my focused morning work done and still make it to school pick up on time.
If you are interested, would you shoot me a message? I’ll circle back with further instructions once I have a quorum.
I am not smart enough to figure out where the messaging section is on this app, which may not bode well for joining the reading group, but I'd like to nonetheless.
Any leads on where one could find a copy of the book for a reasonable price? Amazon wants around $70.00 for the set